“The guy is not a democrat with a small d,” the president told CNN’s Erin Burnett.

President Joe Biden said in an interview Wednesday he is all but certain Donald Trump, his predecessor and presumptive 2024 rival, will reject the results of the November election and called Trump “dangerous” for the nation.

“The guy is not a democrat with a small d,” Biden told CNN’s Erin Burnett during a visit to Wisconsin this week.

“How many court cases do they have, Supreme Court cases? They’ve all said this is a totally legitimate election. … He may not accept the outcome of the election? I promise you he won’t. Which is dangerous.”

The president went on to say other world leaders had expressed to him their fear of a second Trump presidency and pointed to Trump’s pledge to prosecute his political opponents if he enters the Oval Office once more.

  • Mastengwe@lemm.ee
    4 months ago

    Remember this when certain people here try to tell you that both sides are the same. The people that do nothing but plaster this community with hit pieces directed towards the one side that has a chance to stop this clown from destroying our democracy.

    VOTE LIKE LIVES DEPEND ON IT. Because many actually do.

    • PopOfAfrica@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      Democrats have refused to stop Trump at every juncture. Id really should be appalling to us that we allowed democracy to be on the ballot when we had four years to patch every exploit in the system.

      This is not what success looks like. Im just very tired knowing that Democrats never seems to push anything beyond half measures that fail.

      The stakes were simply too high, and we’ve let the cancer metastisize too long.

      Lets hope we can shove it into remission, but we really should have done it earlier.

      • Mastengwe@lemm.ee
        4 months ago

        Oh I agree. I’m disillusioned with the entire thing as well. But I’d rather pick up a sword and fight along-side the lazy asshole against the tyrant dragon instead of telling others that the lazy asshole deserves to be eaten- like some people here suggest.

        Because I know that after the tyrant dragon eats the lazy asshole, we’re all next. And these people don’t seem to understand that this is how it works.

        • TropicalDingdong@lemmy.world
          4 months ago

          Yeah except that what you’ve described is a delusional fantasy. The ‘lazy asshole’ in your metaphor has been enabling and empowering the tyrant asshole the entire time, and when it comes to draw swords, they’ll be turning cloak to try and retain some semblance of power and position.

          They aren’t your allies and they never have been.

          • zaph@sh.itjust.works
            4 months ago

            Yeah except that what you’ve described is a delusional fantasy. PROCEEDS TO AGGREE WITH COMMENT

            • TropicalDingdong@lemmy.world
              4 months ago

              Yeah thats not what their comment described.

              The ‘lazy asshole’ in their metaphor is never coming to your aid. They’ll vote to call protestation against Israel hate speach before they’ll ever consider reforming the system that keeps them in power. This is the solipsistic delusion I’m highlighting. ALL of the evidence suggests that Democrats will maintain support a tyrannical Republican agenda before considering the kind of critical systematic introspection necessary to actually reform the system. Democrats are not interested in reform of a system that keeps them in power.

              The only place in which Democrats are a reform party is in the deluded minds of their aquarian sycophants. There is no external evidence to suggest that Democrats are a reform party, because at every given opportunity to do so, Democrats refuse. Its a Marvel-tier fantasy that the Democrats writ large are the heroes in this story.

              • John Richard@lemmy.world
                4 months ago

                The problem is that a majority of those vocally supporting Biden can’t just be happy with people agreeing they’ll vote for Biden over Trump, but they insist that people live in the fan-fiction fantasy land with them.

      • TropicalDingdong@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        Democrats have refused to stop Trump at every juncture. Id really should be appalling to us that we allowed democracy to be on the ballot when we had four years to patch every exploit in the system.

        Your down voters have been propagandized to their entire lives that there is always a ‘team good’ and a ‘team evil’, and that the lathe of heaven cuts just so. Its the rebels versus the empire and the rebels always just. Its David versus Goliath, and the underdog always wins.

        Its a fantasy. Democrats as a functional political party, in practice, are not allies of the people. They’ve supported and promoted effectively an identical slate of polices to Republicans for almost 50 years. It was RBG that refused to step down from the supreme court. It was Obama who didn’t pressure her to do so. Its the Democrats who refused to fully investigate Trumps involvement with Russia in the Mueller investigation, because they needed to take the ‘high road’. Republicans are there to represent a convenient excuse, while its Democrats who fail to do what they need to do when its the right time to do it. They aren’t your friends, they aren’t even your allies. Stop engaging in these masturbatory fantasies of what you think this institution represents.

        • barsquid@lemmy.world
          4 months ago

          Muller is a Republican, was made director during a Repub admin, and was working in a Republican DoJ. You might want to choose a different example if you’d like to give the impression you know what you are talking about?

          I’m pissed off about RBG as well, but they are lifetime appointments. Not sure what the Dems as a collective group were supposed to do on that one. By the time Obama had an obstructionist Senate it was too late.

    • retrospectology@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      My dude, fascism is here, it doesn’t just have its foot in the door it’s sitting in the living room wiping its ass with Biden’s throw pillows. Genocide is already being carried out in your name.

      People need to start getting into a resistance and preparation mindset, not thinking Biden’s going to help reverse our course towards fascism. There’s a long road of direct action ahead if people hope to turn the ship. Lesser of two evils isn’t cutting it, they’re both leading us to the same place

      • Mastengwe@lemm.ee
        4 months ago

        ROFL… this is exactly what I’m talking about. Thanks for illustrating my point. You couldn’t have done it better.

        There may have been people that weren’t aware of what I was talking about.

        • retrospectology@lemmy.world
          4 months ago

          The irony here is you’re the one who doesn’t understand the situation we’re actually in.

          The house is on fire and you’re telling people “Don’t worry guys, if we just stay in the kitchen there’s no fire here so it’ll be ok. It’s vitally important everyone stay in the kitchen, don’t listen to that extremist firefighter telling you to leave the building. Quick, someone grab that sieve, we can use it to splash water from the sink on the fire, we can save the house if we all just grab a sieve!”

          • Mastengwe@lemm.ee
            4 months ago

            Cool little analogy. But there’s no house and no fire. And I’m not telling anyone anything other than not to listen to propagandists that are suggesting that not voting is an expression of anything other than supporting a Trump victory.

            Everyone knows what all of you are about. Check your ratios man. You lost this battle.

            • retrospectology@lemmy.world
              4 months ago

              Your political strategy has failed though, again and again and again. Why the hell should anyone listen to you when people following your prescription in the past, is what produced the very situation we find ourselves in?

              • Mastengwe@lemm.ee
                4 months ago


                If you don’t vote, someone is still getting elected. Because that is how elections work. Not voting doesn’t make the bad things go away.

                And folding your arms and pouting, hoping that that the other guy winning sends a message will only end VERY poorly for a lot of people- and the message will fall on deaf ears. Because that is how it works. You’re not NEARLY as relevant as you think you are as a collective. Because you’ve already been counted as a non-vote. They know every election year that SJWs aren’t going to vote. It’s already factored in.

                But if you DO vote, you can help ensure that something exponentially worse doesn’t happen.

                Then, over the next four years you can get off your ass and actually do something that will matter come 2028. Or, you could just do as your lot does, and not give a fuck until the election year and then suddenly become outraged by whatever is happening then.

                Either way… your call. You’re not making the waves you think you are. You never do. Remember Bernie? How’d that work for you? And you people were actually TRYING then. Hell, I donated several hundred dollars to his campaign when I could.

                You’ll learn, or you won’t.

                • retrospectology@lemmy.world
                  4 months ago

                  Look, it’s really important that you understand this; what you’re doing right now, this political strategy, is an abject failure. People have done things just how you’re arguing, have gone along with it for literally decades it it has failed. So the only reason I can think that you continue is because you want that failure to continue.

                  Also, you can’t on one hand write an entire essay of a response to something and then claim it’s no big deal and “not making waves”. Remember Clinton? How’d that work out for you?

                  • CapeWearingAeroplane@sopuli.xyz
                    4 months ago

                    Your suggestion to fix this failure of a system is literally “do nothing”. Please try to recognise that: You are advocating for fighting the status quo by doing nothing.

                    It will not work. If you want change you need to take action. Not voting is the exact opposite of attempting to change things. Use the influence you have to push for a change in the right direction.

        • John Richard@lemmy.world
          4 months ago

          Why do Biden Bros get so offended that people don’t want to live in a make believe world where they’re happy to vote for Biden? No where did they say that won’t vote for him over Trump.

      • rsuri@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        Lesser of two evils isn’t cutting it, they’re both leading us to the same place

        Then you’d concede that if they are leading us to different places, lesser of two evils does cut it.

        You’re playing chess. You have a choice - lose a pawn, or you can keep the pawn and the next move you’ll lose by checkmate. I dunno about you, but I’m saying goodbye to that pawn.

        That’s the choice, except instead of keeping the pawn you lose it anyway because Trump likes Israel even more. Biden wins, there will be a different Democratic nominee in 2028. And if you want it to be someone more in line with your thinking than Biden, well you know what you gotta do in 2028.

        But if Trump wins, he’s gonna do everything in his power to make sure the choice in 2028 is his and not yours. Not stopping him is game over.

        • retrospectology@lemmy.world
          4 months ago

          No, like chess, at a certain point it becomes clear that you’ve lost the game you’re playing. It doesn’t matter if you save your metaphorical pawn or not in this scenario, delaying with the lesser of two evils will not create any further opportunities to turn things around.

          It is the end game, and it turns out that the using the lesser of two evils as a strategy for the past 7, 8, 9 election cycles has been a definiteively losing strategy. It has produced no favorable results, instead it has simply allowed fascism to creep in at a pace which the general public will acclimate to it. And once the majority is acclimated, there is nothing that anyone who cares can do.

          Instead, you should not be playing a game with rules rigged by two parties, neither of whom actually have an interest or will to preserve democracy. Instead you should be turning the board over and refusing to play

          • rsuri@lemmy.world
            4 months ago

            Voting for the lesser of two evils has been the strategy since day 1. In 1860 both Lincoln and his opponent Douglas wanted to keep slavery (Lincoln only wanted to limit its spread), and worse, only some Americans were allowed to vote. Forget the far left, a modern moderate might refuse to vote at all in that election - why vote for Lincoln if you’re voting for someone who wants to keep something as abhorrent as slavery?

            Yet voting for Lincoln nevertheless did move the needle against slavery and eventually led to its abolition. And voting for people we’d almost certainly see today as the lesser evil eventually would lead also to improvements in worker rights, universal suffrage, social security and medicare, ending segregation, gay rights, and the right to abortion - before refusing to vote for the lesser of two evils took that away.

            It’s your right not to vote. But what happens - or doesn’t - is your responsibility.

            • retrospectology@lemmy.world
              4 months ago

              You understand the needle didn’t move because of moderates and voting the lesser of two evils, right? Every major shift in progress in this country was accompanied by protest, conflict and refusal to go along with the status quo.