All the more reason to support the internet archive
It looks like the Wayback Machine archive of the original article is down now too, presumably at the request of The Daily Beast… :(
Nah, it’s just a bit slow at the moment. I just checked it again and it’s available:
There are different versions of the article up there!
publishes, and then deletes
And thereby assuring that the story goes viral.
Streisand effect still going strong.
And avoids a lawsuit. Seems like a win all round.
There’s no way they legitimately lose a suit reporting about what someone else said. Sure, Trump would sue, but he should lose. The issue is he’s the president and will wield his power to strike them down if they don’t obey.
lets, eh, be honest here.
Everybody knows he’s a russian stooge.
Sure, but the question is whether he was recruited or whether he just like what Putin does to him in private.
“Just liking what Putin does to him in private” is one method of recruitment.
It’s funny that the evidence of Trump being a Russian asset is always some rumored connection with a KGB person, not the fact that he extremely reliably and consistently acts exactly like a Russian asset.
Something tells me Daily Beast editors live in an appartment building and are afraid of sudden Russian death syndrome.
I’d say it was deleted after a threat of legal retaliation from the oval office, just like with the Maine governor.
Once upon a time that would’ve been a fight the news organization would’ve jumped at for the free publicity and easy win.
Now it just takes a tweet, and Trump turns those fights around anyway for his scumbag followers.
Which is weird, if they just said that person X said Y on Facebook then the person opening themself to being sued is person X, not the media reporting what they said…
Media can be liable for repeating libel, if they don’t make a due-diligence effort to fact-check. I believe the criteria to prove media liability are malice or reckless disregard for the truth. Sites like Facefuck displaying defamatory user-created content are more protected in that regard by the safe harbor provisions.
trump?? Who the fuck is… OH! You mean Krasnov.
Yeah, Krasnov is a fucking bitch
From now on, we should all refer to him as:
President Краснов.
I will be.
How can he be President when Musk is President?
Title only.
That just makes it more likely that it’s true, in my opinion.
Hopefully Stryzen effwct Wi’ll kick in.
Yellow-belly journalism.
Is this the most bone-apple-teeth thing ever?
What’s a bone applet heath?
Idk I’ve only heard of it as Bahn-capful-wreath
I wish we could ban capital wealth. Keep the billionaires out of there.
Bone-apple-tea was the name of a community that was dedicated to the phenomenon of people attempting to use words and phrases in writing that they had clearly only learned phonetically, resulting in funny mondegreens.
The eponymous example was the French “bon appétit” that someone had always assumed was an English phrase: “bone-apple-tea.”
Yes. I’m aware. It’s why I chose different words than the comment above mine.
I need a jynnan tonnyx.
Lol my b, I thought it was a typo
Saying Trump was a Rus. ASSet give him some credibility of intelligence. He would have to be smart to do what he did in an effort to further Russian plans.
He is a moron manipulated by Russian assets, to believe this narcissistic idiot that he is the rightful king of America
People who are intelligent tend to not make deals with foreign nations to betray their own.
They don’t want smart people, they already have really smart people taken from the homeland and employed as spies. What they really want is greedy people who can be controlled and manipulated - assets that are given everything they desire, and told to do as the boss says or they’ll take it all away and make life miserable for them again.
They need to be somewhat smart though. I find it hard to believe Trump could go 35 years without outing himself.
Trump is obviously not the brightest but so aren’t any other (former) soviet assets, when you take a look around. Just look at Babiš or most people close to Putin.
Smarts get killed right?
In almost every single historical instance of communism on the planet, the educated are one of the first groups to be purged, yes.
Russia isn’t communist anymore, not since the 1980s. Neither is Trump. Russia’s an oligarchic kleptocracy with fascist tendencies, and Trump is a fascist.
The term asset in espionage just refers to somebody who does is being utilized for active measures or intelligence collection. They manipulate those people all the time. In some cases assets may not even know they are providing intelligence or carrying out an agency’s objectives.
Agents require intelligence. Assets require access to something important.
This is one of those things that wouldn’t surprise me in the least. Something has felt “off” for a while between him and Russia. But I’m not gonna go spreading it around as if it’s fact if I have no evidence.
Especially as there’s more than enough reason to impeach and prosecute him even if he isn’t an outright asset
Can’t imagine this staying up anywhere under US jurisdiction.
You know, it is still mind blowing to me that people will share stuff like this (an accusation of espionage based on one Russian Facebook post), and then be surprised, when a lot of people actually believe Trumps “fake news” BS. One of the reasons Trump was able to win is that the Democrats and their supporters completely tanked their credibility with anyone still capable of critical thinking.
Polling shows most Trump voters would not have voted for him if they were better informed, but of course they won’t be informed if there is no trustworthy mainstream source of information.
Of course, this is why there have been many studies that show that [](Republicans share more fake news and believe fake news ) more than Democrats.
There have been many trustworthy news sites that could inform them, but there are many more that randomly claim that there aren’t any and that many spouting doubts slowly adds up. (It’s how the vaccine hesitancy happened, not a lack of trustworthy news, but a small army spouting a ton of BS to make people questions everything.)
There have been many trustworthy news sites
Can you give an example? I am not aware of any, but then again, I did not try very hard to find one.
Sites like Associated Press, BBC, Reuters, and The New York Times.
deleted by creator
Yeah, I don’t put any trust in this news for two reasons.
First, it could just be bullshit. It doesn’t seem verifiable.
Second, it’s exactly what Russia would do. They want to sow division.
However, I still believe he’s a Russian agent, or something just as useful, because of the way he acts. I don’t need further evidence than that. He couldn’t act more like a Russian agent if he tried.
However, I still believe he’s a Russian agent, or something just as useful, because of the way he acts. I don’t need further evidence than that. He couldn’t act more like a Russian agent if he tried.
But that is the tragedy of the situation. There are so many awful things Trump does with incontrovertible evidence, but they are drowned out in conjectures, hyperboles and outright lies.
I mean, they’re really drowned out under the sheer number of his terrible actions. It’s so much it sounds fake or exaggerated
We’ve entered the era of broadcasting* licenses being brandished as weapons in direct opposition to free press 1st amendment rights. We’re gonna see a couple real ones come out of this and a whole lot of propaganda slop.
You don’t any kind of publishing license for a website in the USA. Or for anything, really.
What are you referring to?
Sorry, I guess that would be broadcasting, and DB doesn’t to my knowledge broadcast anything. I do wonder why they line up to play ball then.
Trump is a Chinese spy, a true patriot of China. He’s misses home so much he insists wearing a red tie risking getting exposed of his true identity.